June 26, 2008

just to post something pt.2

and thx to my friend ROD REIS for this awesome color... he did a beautiful work!

May 6, 2008


Long night. Last call.
Bloodshot eyes from some drinks too tall.
Breathe in deep and I swear to god I’ll die if I go home alone tonight.
I raise my head slow hoping to find a girl I don’t know
who wouldn’t mind showing a good time,
to feeling alright with doing something we might regret in the morning.
You in a cardigan, tired of all your friends.
You, in love with the COCTEAU TWINS bored with your boyfriend.
I want to be with you tonight, with our legs crossed, our tongues tied.
Which one of you poor souls wants to drive me home?
I swear to god I’ll die if I go home alone tonight.

Owen- Poor Souls


April 14, 2008


I'm going to NYcomiccom ...so, ask your sketch there!
where? booth #2716!

see you all in 1 week!



tradução( piff)-
o mano tá caindo lá pra gringa, tá ligado?
quer um rabisco? pede lá!
cola lá..no stand 2716...

ai eu dropo devolta em 7 dias!